Stainless Steel Tube Trade Advancement Committee
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AEROSPACE - Seamless Stainless Steel Tubing is used throughout the aerospace industry for it's strength and excellent corrosion resistance. Tubing is used in a variety of applications including: Torque control rods, Pneumatic control systems, Landing gear, Waveguides, Convolution / Seals, and Hydraulic Lines just to name a few. This stainless steel tubing generally carries very stringent restrictions and requires multiple mechanical property tests to ensure it is capable of withstanding even the most challenging environments.

PETROCHEMICAL - chemical products made from raw materials of petroleum or other hydrocarbon origin. Although some of the chemical compounds that originate from petroleum may also be derived from coal and natural gas, petroleum is the major source. The largest petrochemical industries are to be found in the USA and Western Europe, though the major growth in new production capacity is in the Middle East and Asia. There is a substantial inter-regional trade in petrochemicals of all kinds. World production of ethylene is around 110 million tons per year, of propylene 65 million tons, and of aromatic raw materials 70 million tons.


NUCLEAR - The world cannot operate without power or electricity, nor can a nuclear facility operate without stainless steel tubing. Stainless Steel Tubing offers the perfect vehicle for heat, water and steam to pass from one area to the next.


GEOTHERMAL - Geothermal provides clean and safe energy using little land. Because Geothermal wells are both renewable and sustainable, it has the ability to generate continuous, reliable baseload power with the use of Seamless Stainless Steel tubing. This alternative energy source also conserves fossil fuels, which contributes to the diversity in energy sources. Seamless Stainless Steel tubing offers maximum lifetime of a Geothermal well and is offered in multiple grades based on temperature, depth, pressure and other key factors that are present.


SEMI-CONDUCTOR - The semiconductor industry is dependant upon the ability to manufacture ultra-high-purity polycrystalline silicon. In order to obtain this extreme level of purity, the tubes used in the semiconductor manufacturing process must have exceptional corrosion resistance. In order to meet the strict up-time demands of this market, the tubing involved is required to have extreme strength and reliability. Seamless tubing is able to meet the severe requirements of the polycrystalline silicone manufactures and provide an elegant solution to a complex set of problems.


INSTRUMENTATION - The world cannot operate without power or electricity, nor can a nuclear facility operate without stainless steel tubing. Stainless Steel Tubing offers the perfect vehicle for heat, water and steam to pass from one area to the next in a nuclear setting.


OIL & GAS - Seamless Stainless Steel tubing is the preferred tubing in today's oil market. With oil companies having to drill in deeper waters in the search for oil, the Seamless Stainless Steel tubing has the ability to reach these new challenges and withstand the environment it is placed under whether it is pressure, temperature or other mechanical properties.


RENEWABLE ENERGY - There is no industry in which technologies are evolving and changing as quickly as the renewable energy industry. As people become more environmentally aware and as prices for energy rise, solar, geothermal, wind, and other renewable technologies will become more common, necessitating reliable solutions and adaptive technologies to generate and to help transport electricity in a wide variety of conditions. Seamless tubing provides a clean and efficient answer to maintain quality and reliability.


FERTILZER - The manufacturing of fertilizer and urea require that critical equipment operate in extremely corrosive environments. In addition, the downtime costs of these plants are exorbitant. The toxic environment, combined with high pressure and high temperatures, make seamless tubes an ideal choice to preserve up-time and safety.


PHARMMACEUTICAL - The world cannot operate without power or electricity, nor can a nuclear facility operate without stainless steel tubing. Stainless Steel Tubing offers the perfect vehicle for heat, water, and steam to pass from one area to the next in a nuclear facility.


MEDICAL - Stainless steel tubing is a critical component in a wide variety of medical devices servicing the: Endoscopic, Arthroscopic, Orthopedic and Cardiovascular markets. Applications range from minimally invasive surgical tools, implanted fracture fixation tubing, to small diameter guidewires for stent and angioplasty procedures. New developments in processing stainless steel tubing will allow our industry to exceed the high standards of the Medical Device Marketplace and allow us to play an important role in increasing the quality of life for the end use customer.



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