Welcome to the SSTTAC
The mission of the Stainless Steel Tube Trade Advancement Committee (SSTTAC) is to promote fair trade of seamless stainless steel and nickel-based alloy pipe and tube in the United States market, to identify and remedy unfair trade practices such as dumping and government subsidization of foreign producers, and to work with United States government authorities to assure enforcement of the trade laws of the United States and the rules of the World Trade Organization.
The SSTTAC provides a forum for member companies to discuss issues of common interest to U.S. steel producers, promote the public image of the industry and enhance the competitiveness of its members in the U.S. and global markets.
The SSTTAC promotes domestic manufacturing of high quality seamless stainless steel pipe and tube. To assure quality products in the marketplace, SSTTAC member companies produce pipe and tube to industry and customer specifications in accordance with guidelines and requirements of accreditation societies.
Please see our News Section for the latest industry news. Click here for the latest SSTTAC roundtable transcript.
To understand all of the benefits of Stainless Steel Tubes, including the manufacturing process, visit our Steel F.A.Q. today.